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Conscious Consulting


This online toolkit is simple and intuitive to use.

Access to the methodology, and a consultation with myself are offered free of charge.


As a researcher, as well as an actor and teacher, I am interested in learning how the toolkit is being used, and how it may be refined.  


No project is too small, or budget too low, to take steps to mitigate the role of implicit bias in your creative choices.


If you're interested in using Conscious Creativity in your next project, please do get in touch. 

Together we can arrange a Zoom consultation to discuss how this toolkit can support your project.  


I look forward to meeting with you.


About Me


"I grant I am a woman but withal

 A woman [with classical training.]"


There are innumerable pressures on women in this industry: impossible beauty standards, sexism, and ageism, to name a few. 

A two-one gender imbalance in available roles heightens these pressures and limits the potential of half of the performers in the industry.  

I have been privileged in my career to work with world class talents like Ian McKellen and Olivier award-winner Denise Gough, as well as renowned directors Sean Matthias and Jeremy Herrin.  However, I have naturally felt the constraints of available roles, as well. 

My experience of the industry unquestionably influenced this research project, as did my experiences as a teacher.


Since 2016, I have worked as a freelance acting and life skills teacher.  In 2020, as a result of the coronavirus crisis, I launched independently, teaching acting and communication skills online.  You can learn more about my online teaching business here

In particular, my work with business clients led me to consider the role of implicit bias in nonverbal communication.  In addition to gender bias, I encountered clients who were struggling with extroversion bias and accent bias.  This work influenced me to research the complexity of gender bias in performance choices alongside casting ones.  It was then that I began to appreciate the nuanced difference between casting diversely and diverse representation.


Lastly, but perhaps primarily, I am a passionate spectator of theatre.  I was in the audience long before I had the opportunity to tread the boards myself.  As a child, I was mesmerised by the extraordinary spectacle, the glorious magic and majesty, of Theatre.  Although I experience less awe as an adult, great theatre can still invoke a spiritual-esque experience.  It was from my position as a spectator, frustrated by the representation I was seeing, that I was inspired to start this research project.

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